"Canada Geese in Flight" by Bob Winship. Legendary sculptor Bob Winship lives in Minnesota and specializes in hunting subjects including game birds and dogs...he is well represented in collections worldwide and has numerous awards and public installations under his belt. This is one of his best, a bronze original of three flying Canada Geese from 1986, inscribed in the casting "Canada Goose", numbered 17/25 and cast-signed by Winship himself. In perfect condition, over 25 years old, stunningly mounted on a wooden base...they really do look as if they are flying right towards you! Add this investment-grade bronze to your collection. Just think of it...there are only 25 of these bronzes in the world! We have one in stock. Dimensions 26" H x 13" L x 11" W. (Requires additional shipping charges for insurance, weight and destination).